Bob Burnquist – X Games Gold Medal Run


First, enjoy this masterpiece:



I remember watching Bob Burnquist’s gold medal run on TV with my Dad almost 20 years ago. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime run (for most anyone except Burnquist), stringing together dream-trick after dream-trick…even the switch airs are ridiculous. And to top it off he did it on the last run of the night when the pressure couldn’t be higher.

It left quite the impression on a young man like myself. These were the early days when I was just starting to get interested in skating, and as Bucky Lasek later said, “You didn’t have to know a thing about skateboarding to know that he ripped it.” Like a one-handed touchdown grab, 360 dunk, or big wave surfing, it’s so far to the edge it’s clear that what just happened is extremely difficult to pull off.




But what really sets this run apart is Lasek’s reaction. Keep in mind, he just threw down an amazing run, and was on the verge of winning his 3rd gold medal in a row. Lasek’s as fired up as anyone else in the arena…and when he gets beat, he’s at the front of the line to congratulate Burnquist.

It’s a beautiful example of what skateboarding’s all about. You don’t win by exploiting your opponent’s weaknesses and beating them. You win by taking risk and giving it your best.

This approach isn’t unique to skateboarding, but it’s more pronounced than, say, the NBA or NFL. They exist in all sports, but it’s rare to find people who have a genuine love for the game and want to see it progress, and I think skating naturally draws those types of people. It reminds me of Travis Pastrana – when he learned to backflip a motorcycle, he didn’t keep it a secret and increase his odds of winning a gold medal. He did the exact opposite, inviting direct competitors to his house so they could learn too.

No doubt, both Burnquist and Lasek wanted to win – they’re competitors after all. But they didn’t let competition spoil what they love in the pursuit of pushing it forward.